This page contains some help on how to pay with your mobile banking app, how you can manage your card(s), and some useful settings to make the app as you like it.

1. Transfers & Payments

Different ways to securely transfer money between accounts or to someone else.

Access the 'Pay' screen by tapping 'Pay' at the bottom of the main screen.

Alternatively, you can go to transfers and payments from the hamburger menu (the three lines at the top left of the app), and going to 'Payments'.

1. Transfer

You can transfer money from between your accounts easily within the app.

  1. Select 'Payments' > 'Internal Transfer' from the menu, or 'Pay' > 'Transfer' from the home screen
  2. Select the account you want to transfer from
  3. Select the account you want to transfer to
  4. Fill out the Amount
  5. Provide a description (optional)
  6. Tap 'Pay now' at the bottom of the screen. You can also pay on a specific date, or make this a recurring payment

2. Pay someone else

You can transfer money to someone else by:

  • using their BSB and account number
  • using a BPAY biller code and reference

2.1 Pay anyone using BSB/Account number

  1. Tap 'Pay' from the home screen or your account screen
  2. Tap 'Pay anyone' from the menu
  3. Select your payee from the list, or add a new payee (see 3)
  4. Enter the amount
  5. Select if you want to pay now or pay on a specific day
  6. Confirm your payment

2.2 Pay using BPAY

  1. Tap 'BPAY' from the payment screen
  2. Select your payee from the list
  3. Enter the amount
  4. Select if you want to pay now or pay on a specific day
  5. Confirm your payment

3. Adding and Managing Payees

You can add a new payee from the payment screen, or from the main menu (Payments & Payees > Manage Payees)

  1. Click on 'New' to add a new payee
  2. Select BSB/Account or BPAY
  3. Enter the BSB/Account number or BPAY code and reference
  4. Provide a nickname so you can easily recognise the name if required
  5. Save the payee

2. Cards

You can lock, stop, and replace your card as well as change the PIN for your card from the main menu. To get to the cards menu:

  1. Tap the hamburger icon on the top left of your screen (three horizontal lines) to open the main menu, then tap 'Manage Cards' 
  2. From the home screen, please tap 'Cards' in the bottom right

1. Lock your card

You can easily lock your card from the Cards screen if you have lost it. The card can then NOT be used and you have time to search for it.

Simply click on Lock card.

2. Stolen card

If you are sure your card is stolen or no longer safe:

  1. Select 'Need help with your card?' on the Cards screen
  2. Select 'Card been stolen?'
  3. Select 'Yes'

When you report a stolen card, your card will be blocked.

3. Damaged card

On the 'Need help with your card?' screen:

  1. Select 'Damaged your card?' 
  2. Click 'Yes' to order a new card

When you report a damaged card, your current card remains active.

4. Lost your card

On the 'Need help with your card?' screen:

  1. Select 'Lost your card?' to order a replacement
  2. Confirm by selecting 'Yes'

When you report a lost card, your current card will be blocked.

5. Change PIN

From the Cards menu:

  1. Select Change PIN
  2. Enter your new PIN
  3. Confirm your new PIN
  4. Tap 'Continue'

3. Useful settings

The app offers some useful options in the My Settings menu. You access it from the main menu by tapping on the hamburger icon on the top left of the main screen, then going to Settings & Security, and then My Settings.

3.1 App login

You can change your login to PIN, pattern or customer code at any time using this option from the 'Settings' menu.

3.2 Biometrics

You can switch logging in with your fingerprint or face recognition (if your phone has these features) by toggling it on or off.

3.3 Manage registered devices

You can install the app on up to four devices. You can remove a device, for instance when it was damaged or lost on this page.

3.4 Set default payment account

You can set a default account to make payments. Select 'Set default payment account' and choose the one you like.

3.5 Re-order accounts

You can change the order in which accounts are shown on the account overview screen. Simply use the up or down arrow to change the order of presentation.